Ngā Manu Kōrero

He maha ngā hui manu kōrero kua tae atu a Wainuiomata. Ko te tau 2020 tō mātou tūnga whakamutunga ki ērā whakataetae. E whā ngā wāhanga o tēnei whakataetae. Reo Māori mai, reo Pākehā mai. Engari ko te oranga tonutanga o te reo Māori me te reo rangatahi te mea nui.

Wainuiomata have attended and competed at many Ngā Manu Kōrero meetings. 2020 was the last year we attended a national competition. There are four sections for this competition and students have the opportunity to compete in both English and Māori. However, the main component is that our reo and the voice and thoughts of the youth is heard.