At Wainuiomata High School we have five values that we expect our staff, students and whanau to live: Manaakitanga, Honesty, Respect, Achievement and Perseverance.
I care for all members of my school community.
I stand beside my friends and support them.
I open doors for others.
I value different cultures.
I admit when I need help.
I admit when I've made a mistake and do my best to correct it.
I take responsibility for my actions.
I return all resources and equipment.
I wear my uniform correctly.
I listen to others' thoughts and opinions.
I put my rubbish in the bin and care for my surroundings.
I speak in an appropriate way and with an nice tone.
I treat others the way I like to be treated.
I set clear tasks and work to achieve them.
I always do my best.
I celebrate my success.
I aim for excellence in whatever I do.
I arrive to class on time.
I try even if I'm afraid or think I will fail.
I push until I understand something or achieve my goal.
I will try, try and try again.
I attend all classes, even the ones I find difficult.