September 5, 2023
05 September 2023
Wainuiomata High School Expectations: creatinga safe environment for all our ākonga.
At our School Assemblies last week, we reminded our students of our school expectations and the processes in place in regard to phones, uniform, out of grounds and vaping. It was also great to acknowledge that most of our students consistently do the right thing, which allows our teachers to be able to focus on teaching and learning.
I’m sharing this information with you so that there are no surprises and so you can help us support your child.
Phones/Devices: We don’t want to be a school that bans devices. We want to be a school that teaches our students how to manage their phones. Students must put their phones away, unless their teacher specifically asks them to use it for their learning. If a student has their phone out, their teacher will give them one reminder to put it away. If students continue to have their phone out, their teacher will ask for it to be handed to them and will return it at the end of the class. If a student refuses to hand in their phone, a member of the Leadership team will be called to get it and will see the student at the end of the day to return it. If students continue to not meet our expectation around phones, a parent/caregiver will be required to pick the phone up.
Uniform: If students are unable to wear an item of uniform, they require a note from home so that Student Services can issue a uniform pass. If there is no explanation, the Manaaki teacher will contact home to discuss how we can support correct uniform. If a student is wearing a non-uniform jacket or hoody, they will be asked to hand it in and it will be looked after until the end of the day, when they can pick it up. If students continue to wear non-uniform items, a parent/caregiver will be required to pick it up from school. If you wish to comment/provide feedback on our current school uniform, please complete the survey - Uniform Survey September 2023.
Out of Grounds/Right place, right time: Students are not to leave the school grounds and are expected to be in the right place, at the right time. If students leave the school, parents / caregivers will be notified, and an arrangement will be made for that time to be made up either at break time or after school. Students late to class or truanting from classes will also be expected to make up that time, with the teacher, the Dean, or if it escalates, after school with one of the Deputy Principals.
Vaping: Vape/Smoke-free kura: The Law on Vaping: The Smokefree Environment and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendments Act 2020 prohibits vaping in schools, kurakaupapa ,kōhanga reo and early childhood education and care centres. Not only is vaping at school against the law; there are numerous health risks associated with it. We want our young people to be healthy, both physically and mentally, and vaping impacts on both. If a student is vaping at school, or has a vape on them, it will be taken from them. Parents/Caregivers will be contacted and will be required to pick the vape up. Students will undertake an activity which has them learn about the impact of vaping and will be encouraged to get support to quit. There are a number of information sites available for parents/caregivers to support their young person: vapingfacts.health.nz
Ngā mihi nui,
Lea Vellenoweth, Kaitumuaki/Acting Principal