Kia ora Wainuiomata High School whanau,
You are probably well aware of the large increase in COVID-19 cases, over 6,000 yesterday and over 12,000 today, and the fact that we have now moved to Phase 3 of the Omicron response.
With Phase 3, the key change is that it is only confirmed cases and their household contacts who need to self-isolate for 10 days. Everyone else, including those who may have had close contact with a positive case but aren’t in the household must continue to monitor closely for any symptoms of COVID-19.
If anyone in your whanau is confirmed as having COVID-19 you will be asked to notify your close contacts yourself.
Please get in touch with us as soon as you can if your child has tested positive for COVID-19.
Please remember that we have systems in place to keep everyone as safe as possible in school:
All staff are double vaccinated;
Mask wearing;
Wiping down of common surfaces;
Good ventilation in classrooms;
Staying at home if sick.
It is important for a child’s well-being and learning to be at school with their friends and school staff. If you have any concerns about sending your child to school, please do get in touch. We are here to help. But please do not send your child(ren) to school if they are not well.
The health and well-being of all our students and staff continues to be of upmost importance.
Finally, we know how hard the impacts of COVID-19 have been for many families in New Zealand. If you know of a family in our community who is struggling, please encourage them to reach out for support (for example to access food, medicine, or access financial support). Help is available – https://covid19.govt.nz/prepare-and-stay-safe/wellbeing-helplines-and-support/
Ngā mihi,
Janette Melrose
Principal, Wainuiomata High School